Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I've been a West coast girl all my life. Though I went to school in Colorado, I'd still consider it the West. These days I look around my room and wonder what I'm going to bring with me and more so, how the heck I'm going to get it to Virginia. My furniture will stay, which means I must purchase new furniture. It doesn't have to be fancy, but if I invest in something nice, when I move next, it may come with me.

I sent an evite today for a going away party I will throw in July... yes, I'm early, however 25 years of birthdays in July has taught me it's everyone's favorite month to go away. I once threw my birthday party in May for this very reason. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, yet I also feel it makes the move more real as if it was fictional before people started saying they'd miss me.

After college I was set on returning to the Bay Area and though I know I'll be back, I'm not sure if it will be as soon as others anticipate. (Don't tell my mother though, she likely won't let me leave then.) If I was given the chance to live in NY or DC for a couple years I may take it. I'd definitely check out London given the opportunity, yet these are all thoughts that I haven't shared (until now). This is definitely a big move in more ways than one and I'm still months away.


Mo Zhou said...

Moving is such a hassle. However, after moving are so fun. You can have a new apartment to decorate, new resturants to check out. Yay! thanks so much for talk me out of rescheduling, save me from GMAT hell one month early. :P Now all the fun starts.

mbabound said...

I've been on the West Coast my whole life too...AND we sent the evite out for my homecoming/going away/30th birthday party today...in August. Everyone's always on vacation for my birthday!

JulyDream said...

It seems you and I have the same birthday problem. My party will actually be the day after my birthday, though I'm not advertising it. ;)

How are your trip plans coming?

Wingman said...

Thanks for the invite - I see how you treat future classmates ;).

Manhattan is a great place to live - but after 7 years I'm ready to move on, the crowds and the buildings wear on you afer a while.