Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Is it time to join Twitter?

It is not as if I need more distractions in my life. It is taking me hours to finish even a page of BS on my paper... I mean a page of meaningful fluff. I recently received a request from my mother to follow me a Twitter. No, I am not currently a member of Twitter though I've heard good things. Typically, I'm on the forefront of innovation and I suppose in my business school box, I've turned into a laggard. Even Dean Bruner is on Twitter!

That's likely what spurred this thought of mine, as did this lovely lady's blog post. I'm not sure if I am ready to make the plunge yet. Between Facebook, GTalk, email, text and surfing the web, I surely have enough to keep me busy. Though seeing my old boss on Twitter, makes me revisit this idea.

Keep up with Darden on Twitter... check out this list.


Andrew Choi said...

Do it! All the cool kids are on Twitter. =P - @andrewmchoi

Julie said...

When I first signed up for Twitter, I thought it was silly. But since I connected with all the Dardenites and incoming Dardenites (if that's what we call ourselves!), it's been a great source of information. I've learned such things as: Kindle DX pilot project is coming to Darden and that Ivy Gardens is indeed air conditioned.

JulyDream said...

Connecting on Twitter huh? We used Facebook... guess the world is evolving. ;)

One note, if you're not planning on arriving until the day before school starts, reconsider. (Assuming you have the flexibility) Some of my best days are Darden were the 1-2 weeks prior to school, including PCAP week. It was like summer camp - except that everyone is at least 21!

Julie said...

Well, Facebook has been great, too... the Darden Class of 2011 group has a sufficient amount of action, but it's not as easy to connect with all the existing and recently graduated students. I don't think the Kindle news has hit the Facebook group yet, for example.

I will be there a week before "first week" starts and am looking forward to connecting with everyone!